
Special Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology was founded in July, 2004 at the base of Department of "combustion process", but its occurrence can be attributed to nationwide fire-technical courses when separate disciplines read at different educational cycles. Even the first generation of graduates respectfully remembered teachers of special chemicals and heat transfer. The knowledge provided by the study of special chemicals and heat transfer, is the basis for understanding the conditions of emergence, development, termination and prevention of emergency situations. So they are looking study special courses as preventive and tactical orientation. Basics "Theory of burning and suppression" was formed by Shandyba V.A. that worked in fire-preventive cycle of 60 years of the last century. Great influence on the formation of students as professionals in the 70 years provided the substantive head of a special commission chemistry Bronyshevskiy B.P. More substantive commission led by Derevianko I.G., Tarahno E.V. Tarahno E.V. became the first Head of the newly created department of combustion process, to the person that now determines the direction of development.

During the period of 2004 the establishment of the department became the competitive scientific and pedagogical structure of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine. The department performs well its duties to prepare cadets and students in special subjects "Fire safety", "Civil Protection", "Labor protection", "Ecology".
Considering the new tasks assigned to the department, in 2010 it was renamed to the Department of "Special Chemistry and Chemical Technology." Now the Department "Special chemistry and chemical technology" successfully conducted training in the field of knowledge 0513 "Chemical technology and engineering" in the direction of 6.051301 "Chemical technology" 7.051301.06 specialty "Chemical Environmental Technologies", specialization "Radiation and chemical protection". Cadets and students of the first years take knowledge in specialties "dosage worker" and "decontaminant worker".