
branch of knowledge
16 "Chemical and Bioengineering"


General and Inorganic Chemistry
· Organic Chemistry
· Physical Chemistry
· Surface phenomena and disperse systems
· General chemical technology
· Analytical Chemistry
· Instrumental methods of analysis
· Energotekhnologiia chemical-engineering processes
· Processes and equipment of chemical plants
· Mathematical modeling and optimization of the chemical technology
· Fundamentals of chemical production
· Technology and equipment design environmental systems

specialization "Radiation and chemical protection"

· Basics of Radiation Safety
· Biological Chemistry
· Radiation Chemistry
· Dangerous Chemicals
· Theory of burning and explosion
· Means special treatment
· Radiation and chemical reconnaissance and control
· Protection of population and territories after destroying of radiation and chemical facilities
· Methodology and organization of scientific research
· Radioactive materials
· Technology fire-resistant coatings
· Methods for decontamination and disposal of hazardous chemicals
· Fundamentals of biological hazards

· Organization and planning of population and territory protection from the effects of radiation on the National Assembly and chemically dangerous facilities

branch of knowledge
26 "Civil Security"

· Chemistry
· Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
· Theory of burning and explosion
· The dangers of radiation, chemical and biological origin
· The theory of combustion and termination
· Theoretical Foundations of fire explosion hazard

branch of knowledge
Natural science"

· Chemistry with the fundamentals of biogeochemistry
· Basics of Radiation Safety